Thursday, February 26, 2009

Takoda the Spaz Vs Lincoln (Cat formerly known as Spaz)

Gotta love when you think your cat is a spaz and you get him a foster cat so he won't bug your other cat quite so much with his constant need to play and you realize that an extra leg has a lot of potential for additional spaz and you actually have it pretty good. Takoda...won't. Stop. Moving.... but he's cute!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm at that point in the week, day, part of the job, where I just am set on NOT doing what I need to do. What I absolutely must get done! To the point where I might even spell check this I don't want to do my work so bad. Well, probalby not, no sense in getting hysterical about it. Most of my blogging and creative thought is now going into Artsopolis, not much "personal" life to speak of/scream to the world, that isn't already on FACEBOOK. =] How weird. Facebok that is. Liscense to be nosey and a total smart ass. I don't know why I didn't think of it really. Bygones. I'd blow all my genius invention money on travel, animals, and friends/family anyway, it'd make them happy, but it wouldn't solve the wars or save the planet. C'est la vie.

Loving the rain, and also the sun, like me, it just refuses to be one thing. No decisions here. Weather is definately WHETHER this month. Not loving the fact that I am 33, nearly 34 and I don't have a proper matress or a city that respect the "quiet time" between the ours of 2am and 5am..this is about the only time I will actually it would be great city of San Jose if you could not jackhammer whatever the hell you are "fixing" during these hours. I don't see anything leaking, on fire, or sinking, so whatever it is can probably wait until the ancient windows in my place get replaced with somthing thicker than saranwrap, or I move next door to the DREAM apartment! You can watch the lightrail and bus go by...and not HEAR them...ahhhh...silence...and THEN... a matress instead of my couch-a-bed... a huge, new, perfect for me, matress with yummy sheets and squishy sleep in pillows. Then I bet I won't be going in to work on the weekends. This is my domestic dream. The international dream is getting closer and closer as well. I'll not better the end of Feb, but Africa in October is looking more and more possible. Work incentive plan, keeping ON budget, good health for me, car and kitties, tax rebate and theatre work all contributing to me getting a vacation a warm, animal, creative bed of vacay. =]

All in all though very long hours have brought me to the brink, I haven't lost my spark, and in fact I think it's pushed me to have more of one! The harder I work, the harder I think I make myself play. I'm seeing plenty of theatre, writing a little, decluttering, and seeing lots of friends I haven't seen in a while. My nephew is flippin' cuter every day, and I'm getting what I need done. And even things I don't need done. Like standing in for an actress who's father passes away for a musical. I it again. A musical. It was totally random, maybe it was the 3 glasses of pinot I had had before checking my email on Friday night, but I ended up with about 2 hours of looking over a script and running the scenes and then I was on stage. Hilarious. Fan-friggin-tastic cast. TOTALLY out of my league. Like, entirely. Their voices were pretty much flawless, so it was a HUGE relief, there was a script in my hand and NO singing. I thought I was signing up for the comic bit part. No one said anything about being a vamp. But me being me, that was what made it even more hilarious. It definately came off unsexy which made the reactions from the other actors even more brilliant. Good for me to be reminded of the talent out there and to get nervous for once. Good group of folks, they should ALL be working non-stop if they aren't already. At least I had "plans" for Valentine's Day right? =]

Anyway... I have a new foster kitty to pick up soon, and I can't procrastinate ANY more....must publish esavers....Wednesdays are the days I miss a matress the most.