Monday, October 6, 2008

Queen for another Day

I had very high hopes on Friday (Despite the worst cramps and headache in AGES) that Queenie would be adopted. Sadly, although a kitty who needed a home very badly did get adopted by the very nice Angela Flowers, it was not the darling roundness Queen Victoria. After about an hour of being very sweet and purring and such, and chatting about Angela's other cat and past experiences with a cat with Heart Disease, it was ultimately down to trying to "sell" her as a hard cat to adopt. Despite her being socialized and well behaved, few people will take in an older cat, 9 yearsish with a known heart murmur....I don't know how much harder to adopt a cat could be to be honest, and not still be a really rewarding situation....but..I know I just take it personally.

The ultrasound ($450, bringing the total for Queenie so far to $627) not to mention, food, litter, transport, etc. showed a very MILD murmur and no solid identification of any disease. It's likely she will never develop anything, or it may be something and will most certainly be caught early enough if another ultra sound is done in the next 6-12 months. Medication is about $30 a month if she indeed does develop something but for now she's just a lovely round kitty, stuck with Elaine up in Oakland with 17 other cats. Very overwhelming for her apparently, but we will see. If things don't improve with the number of cats up there, I may take her back under my foster care again so she is calmer. I just don't have enough space at the moment to justify her and not enough time to look after a kitten so it's a bit of a challenge. I need to be saving and decluttering, not aquiring more fur.

I do believe she will have a very happy ending...just not as soon as I thought...we will see...

Tech week is stressful as usual...more so becuase I don't have a stage manger and there lots of food and props that are needed for this show and not staff to do it...the show will be great though, even if we are miming everything =]

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