Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What the hell is a Brazillian Cherry?

To my knowledge they do not grow Apples in the Artic. And I do not know what a Brazillian Cherry is. Tango doesn't have a scent that one would rally WANT to sport, and I don't want to drink my deoderant so why would you call it Vanilla Chai... All this to say the marketing of the new line of Secret deoderant certainly is eye catching if not egnimatic. When it comes down to it, it's not really any different than lotion or perfume I suppose.. so why shouldn't it be somewhat mysterious. I woud have loved to be in the focus group for this. I think the kicker though, is the fact that they think the scent you choose is like some karmic portal, that you journey to your perfect scent...check out the interactive website.... I would have loved to see the salary of the person that came up with this shit. Get me THAT job....

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